Rich Ernst
10 years ago
Anyone want/have a use for any/all of these three old switchboxes?
4 way, two of 'em have VGA, AT (old large round) keyboard (could be
used with PS/2 with adapters), and serial ports.
One has just VGAT and same keyboard connectors.
See pic of back of 'em all here:
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Could be used for just switching VGA, of course.
I've got at least two of the large cables to connect to the keyboard
ports if interested.
Email me a phone number if interested. I'm in Clairemont area.
Anyone want/have a use for any/all of these three old switchboxes?
4 way, two of 'em have VGA, AT (old large round) keyboard (could be
used with PS/2 with adapters), and serial ports.
One has just VGAT and same keyboard connectors.
See pic of back of 'em all here:
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Could be used for just switching VGA, of course.
I've got at least two of the large cables to connect to the keyboard
ports if interested.
Email me a phone number if interested. I'm in Clairemont area.